The ROPA method: maternity shared by two mothers

The ROPA method: maternity shared by two mothers

The new family models and new civil and social standards are giving rise to innovative solutions in the world of reproductive medicine which adapt to this new reality. Families in which the nucleus is comprised of two people of the same sex stopped being news some time ago, however what is new, is the fact that maternity, which is seen to be somewhat traditional and seemingly individual, can now actually be shared by two women. This is the ROPA method.

The ROPA method (Reception of Oocytes from your Partner) is an assisted reproduction treatment which allows for a baby to have two biological mothers. It consists of one of the mothers providing her ovules and her genes and the other the responsibility for the gestation of their child.

To make this possible, previously a short preparation is necessary. The woman who decides to provide her ovules must undergo a process of ovarian stimulation, after which her ovules are extracted by means of an ovarian puncture, a simple intervention which is relatively straightforward.

At the same time, the other future mother, the one who will be carrying the child which extends the family, will follow a hormonal treatment which prepares her uterus for the embryo, which will come about due to fertilization of the ovules with the donor’s sperm for their subsequent transfer to the person who will become pregnant.

In this way, both mothers can actively participate in the process of forming a family, not only contributing on a biological level which can be seen later on in their baby but also individually by actually taking a leading role at all times.

Also, the ROPA method has a level of involvement which goes far beyond all the biological or medical participation. A baby conceived by this technique with two mothers will be legally recognized as son or daughter of both mothers equally. Spanish legalization has paved the way worldwide at the time of recognising same-sex marriages and has done so since 2007.

The ROPA method is an ideal solution for two mothers who wish to participate first-hand and share both psychologically and biologically their baby’s gestation. A safe, modern and innovative way of taking the first steps to form a family together with the person you wish to be with.