Patient Journey - UR International

Patient Journey

International department

The Vistahermosa Reproduction Unit in Alicante has an International Department that provides patients who are outside Spain with all the necessary information from the first contact with us, as well as the necessary advice for their travels and stays in our fertility centre.

We believe that patients who undergo fertility treatment need, in addition to the application of the most advanced technology, to feel accompanied throughout the whole process, and that each patient will have a coordinator from the international department who will be responsible for monitoring their case and answering their queries at all times.

Our reproduction unit offers a wide range of treatments and techniques which, together with more than 30 years of experience and the added bonus of the hospital environment where it is located, make us a benchmark for quality and excellence in the treatment of human infertility. Furthermore, in order to save time travelling and staying in our country, we establish communication with your gynaecologist of reference in your country of residence to coordinate the treatment that best suits the medical indication.

How do we work?

We are aware of the high degree of anxiety for a couple having to travel to another country for treatment and the emotional component of not being able to have children, so we have developed a whole network of operations so that from home you can get to know the clinic and the medical team that will accompany you during the treatment.

  • Gestión de tu alojamiento: ponemos a su disposición diversos acuerdos con todo tipo de alojamientos en nuestra ciudad.
  • Gestión de traslados: organizamos su desplazamiento a nuestra unidad de reproducción y recogida en el aeropuerto.
  • Un abanico de diversos Programas con Garantía de Devolución, que se adaptan individualmente y de forma personalizada según las necesidades de cada paciente.
  • Estamos disponibles para ti via email, teléfono, WhatsApp y en nuestra clínica, para que tengas a alguien que pueda ayudarte en tu idioma durante la estancia en España.
  • Seguimiento a distancia cuando llegues a tu país hasta la llegada de tu bebé.

You can contact us on +34 672 272 961, by email at or at

Why choose UR Vistahermosa to get pregnant?

Spain is the country in Europe with the highest number of Assisted Reproduction treatments.

Both the quality of medical care and the continuous research that our legislation allows, improve every year the results of the treatments and the pregnancy rates, factors that must be taken into account when a patient decides to go abroad for a fertility treatment.

First appointment

The Vistahermosa Reproduction Unit specializes in fertility treatments, but our team is motivated by a single dream: to accompany you on your path to having a healthy child at home. And that is why, from the first contact with our Unit, you will be assisted by all of us, so that you feel the tranquility, confidence and security of having us with you at each stage of the treatment, giving you all the necessary information, the best service and personalized attention from your first visit.

1. Arrival at the clinic

For your peace of mind and that of anyone accompanying you, all our hospitals comply with the safety and health protocol against COVID-19, to guarantee your health and that of our staff. The UR Group for Assisted Reproduction has received the AENOR Certification.

2. Background and infertility history

In the event that you have previously undergone any other assisted reproductive treatment, it is extremely important that you bring all the reports, test results and other documents of your medical history with you to your first consultation.

3. Gynecological examination and ultrasound

We will perform a gynecological evaluation together with a transvaginal ultrasound in order to examine the internal anatomy of your uterus and ovaries.

4. Analysis of the ovarian reserve

The ovarian reserve is directly related to female fertility. The quantity of eggs that the woman possesses is finite and with age this drops increasingly. We will perform a blood test to measure your ovarian reserve.

5. Personalized treatment

Each patient is unique and therefore their treatment too. According to the test results, our specialists will advise you on the treatment that best suits your case in particular, so that the treatment will have a high probability of success.

6. Explanation of the treatment

Our patient care staff will explain in detail the various stages of treatment and the provisional schedule. They will also show you your detailed and personalized cost estimate.

Ask for your 1st appointment now!