Fertility treatments in September: Why is it a good month for this?

Fertility treatments in September: Why is it a good month for this?

Everything matters at the time of looking to realize that dream of forming a family. Even the smallest of details can play to our favor if we know how to make the most of them, such as the time of year we choose, which is by no means trivial. That’s why many people opt to undertake fertility treatments in September, a favored time to achieve pregnancy and take the first steps towards a new life.

Choosing a preferred period of time to begin an assisted reproductive treatment during the year is another piece in the puzzle which we need to put together to form a family. A healthy lifestyle, with exercise and good food, rest, mental health and all those good habits which give us a push in the right direction. Therefore, why is it a good idea to undertake fertility treatments in September? Here are some reasons.

Coming back from holidays. August is normally a chilled-out month. The majority of people go on holiday and for those who continue working, it’s an easier month than usual with shorter working days.  Returning to our routine is perfect for starting up new projects from scratch, revising goals and for channeling out all those things we’ve been thinking of doing.

Lower stress levels. Holidays, free time, disconnecting from work, beach, mountain or reading time. Whatever the holiday plan was, it’s almost a certainty that stress levels which were present before the holiday will have lowered notably, making this moment a good starting point to begin fertility treatments in September. Leaving anxiety to one side and having peace as your travel companion.

Good weather. In this part of the world, summer can bring days of excessive heat. September brings milder weeks, cooler nights and more bearable middays. This will help us to be calmer, feel more comfortable to start this new adventure.

Charging the batteries. An assisted reproductive treatment is not only about biological or medical questions but also about emotional and state of mind ones too, and the end of summer is the perfect time for this. Summertime allows us to recharge our energy source, so we are able to afront something as demanding as forming a family with our batteries fully charged.

Although it’s not necessary to wait until September to undertake a fertility treatment, it is an ideal time to begin, with greater chances of success which will allow us to grow that family and make our dream come true.