The blastocyst culture of the embryo allows to select embryos with high implantation potential - UR International

The blastocyst culture of the embryo allows to select embryos with high implantation potential

The Vistahermosa Reproduction Unit offers this technique without altering the total cost of the treatment to reach a higher probability of pregnancy
An alternative to improve the results in in vitro fertilization is to prolong the culture of the embryos for a period of time of 5-6 days, until the stage of blatocyst, when there has been a process of cell differentiation. A longer culture shows more information on the embryos, which facilitates the selection of the best to transfer. “This process allows us to synchronize in a more physiological way the receptivity of your endometrium to the embryo. With this technique we can achieve pregnancy rates at more than 60%”, explains the embryologist of the Reproduction Unit Vistahermosa, Juan Manuel Moreno.
According to Moreno in these cases is recommended the use of time-lapse systems that allow analyzing momentum the embryonic evolution, without having to remove the embryos from the incubator and maintaining the culture conditions without any alteration. “Generally during the prolonged incubation period there is a blockage of some embryos that will not be able to reach blastocyst. In this way a selection of natural form is obtained, being able to identify the most suitable embryos and with a greater potential to develop an evolutionary pregnancy “.
One of the advantages of prolonging the culture of embryos in order to obtain the ones with the greatest implantation potential is to be able to perform transfers of a smaller number of embryos, reducing the risk of multiple pregnancy, says the head of the Laboratory of the Reproduction Unit .
The director of the Reproductive Unit Vistahermosa, Jose López Gálvez, states that “our center performs this technique without altering the cost of treatment with the aim of increasing the probability of pregnancy of the patient, while in other clinics of infertility, generally international , Has a high price added to the procedure “.
Reproduction centers use this technique in cases where good quality embryos have been transferred and gestation has not been achieved; When one chooses to transfer a single embryo and when a preimplantation genetic diagnosis is made for which the culture of the embryos must be maintained in order to obtain the results.
The Vistahermosa Reproduction Unit of Alicante adds more than 35 years of experience in reproduction treatments, performing more than 1,500 annual procedures, in addition to being a university teaching center. To come to us means betting on expert assistance with state-of-the-art technology; Means choosing transparency, quality and professionalism with lower costs.