Embryo donation - UR International

Embryo donation

Embryo donation

Embryo donation is a very simple reproduction treatment with a high degree of success. In this process, embryos from previous treatments, which have successfully culminated and that have been donated anonymously by couples who have already managed to be parents, are transferred to other patients in order to achieve a full-term pregnancy and have a healthy baby.

This embryos are cryopreserved as they come from couples where the woman has got pregnant after a cycle of in vitro fertilisation. These couples allow us to use these embryos in other patients who need them.

Advantages of embryonic adoption

  • It requires no ovarian stimulation but a minimal medication to prepare the endometrium.
  • The success rate is the same regardless the women’s age.
  • It can be applied in heterosexual couples, single women or same-sex couples.
  • The embryos come from proven fertility donors who have been previously thoroughly evaluated to rule out phycological, physical or hereditary diseases.
  • It has a very low economic cost with regard to other treatments as the IVF laboratory only has to thaw and observe the embryos.

Next steps

  • Endometrial preparation. This process is aimed at preparing the uterus to the embryo or embryos host. The treatment involves administering oral tablets or estrogen skin patches to the patient until the transfer is done and then the administration of progesterone vaginal ovules. The hormonal treatment starts when the woman starts menstruating. It is necessary to keep an ultrasound control to identify the right time to make the transfer. In case there is no menstruation, it is also possible to carry it out.
  • Devitrification of embryos. The embryos that come from the embryo bank are thawed and transferred that same day.
  • Embryo transfer. This intervention does not require sedation. It is a painless process where our gynaecologists transfer the embryo or embryos using a thin catheter and under ultrasound control, which allows them to see the most suitable area of the uterus to deposit them.
  • Prognosis. After 12 or 14 days of the transfer, it is time to confirm if the patient is pregnant. Having a blood test done will confirm it.


Embryo donation together with egg donation is one of the treatments with higher success rate as it can reach a 90% after three cycles. In general, a single embryo is transferred, because the success rate exceeds the 60% in a first attempt regardless the woman’s age. The only requirement is to have a normal uterus and have good health.