PGT-A - UR International



Preimplantational Genetic Test for Aneuploidy

Why do this study?

The Preimplantation Genetic Test for Aneuploidy PGT-A is a technique that allows the study of all the chromosomes of one or more cells from an embryo obtained by in vitro fertilization.
The objective of this technique is to screen the embryos of an in vitro fertilization cycle to select those that have the normal chromosomal endowment, that is to say, that are euploid, and thus increase the implantation, pregnancy and, finally, the rate of a child at home.

Who is it intended for?

This test is intended for patients with:

  • Advanced Maternal Age
  • Repeated miscarriages
  • Repeated implantation failures
  • Severe male factor

What does this test study?

The PGT-A study includes the analysis of all chromosomes by massive sequencing technology or NGS.

PGT-A is a powerful tool for the selection of embryos with higher implantation potential.

What are the benefits?

PGT-A has the following benefits:

  • It allows eliminating the age factor in women.
  • It decreases miscarriage rates
  • It reduces the time couples need to achieve pregnancy.
  • It is a fundamental tool for achieving the best results in the single embryo transfer (SET) strategy.
  • It has demonstrated its efficacy in couples with a good prognosis and with a high number of embryos. It reduces the number of transfers needed to achieve pregnancy.