Oxidative stress represents 30 to 80% of the male infertility - UR International

Oxidative stress represents 30 to 80% of the male infertility

The Reproduction Unit of Clinica Vistahermosa organizes the conference of Pedro Iñarrea, expert on damages ofer the sperm and embryo oxidation.
“Oxidative stress is a significant factor of male infertility and represents between 30 and 80% of the diagnosed cases”, assures Pedro Iñarrea, professor of Biochemist and Molecular Biology of the University of Zaragoza.
estress-oxidativo-infertilidadThis expert will take part tomorrow in the cycle of Human Reproduction Conferences that organizes every year the Reproduction and Genetic Units of Vistahermosa, directed by Dr. José Jesús López Gálvez, in coordination with its Andrology department headed by Ana Segura and the Chair of Reproductive Biomedicine and the Area of Cellular Biology of the Medicine Faculty of UMH.
As Iñarrea explains, the oxidative stress is an over oxidation of the biomolecules due to an imbalance produced during the processes of cell creation and elimination, which takes to an increasement of the intracelular concentration of species reactive to oxigen. In this way “that any imbalance in the sperm concentration of the species reactive to oxigen will condition the quality and quantity of the sperm, as well as the fecundation process and the viability of the embryo”.
For its diagnosis, states, it is necessary to add the classical tests that inform of the quality and quantity of the sperm, the biochemical that will determinate the molecular oxidative damage and, as a consequence, the poor competition of the sperm that derivates on the male infertility.
Between the causes of this imbalance we find the age, in which case “we will try to modify the way of life to minimize the pro-oxidative elements and re-establish, as much as possible, through the strategy of the dietary antioxidant therapy, the state of the natural antioxidant enzymatic defenses”, states Iñarrea.
This specialist considers as a maximum interest to stablish and consensus protocols of analysis and diagnosis in a molecular level on the male that would allow to determine and normalize the possible causing situation of the oxidative stress of the patient and the molecular damage, both qualitative and quantitative, that this presents.
“With all these it would be possible to stablish the corresponding changes in the infertile male´s way of life and the paliative antioxidant strategy treatment that would restablish the fisiological level of his antioxidant enzymatic defenses”.