Alta Complejidad archivo - UR International

High Complexity


Many of the patients who sit in front of our professionals have a complicated history in conceiving. More than 35 years of experience and innovation endorse us as a reproduction unit specialised in solving this type of more complex cases, with high success rates. We offer you the most advanced reproductive treatments and we treat your case individually, so that no problem is a barrier on the way to achieving your dream of becoming a mother.

The remarkable boom in Reproductive Medicine is linked to research, scientific and technological advances, the current social demand, and the joint work of multiple professionals to achieve a full-term pregnancy and have a healthy baby at home. That is why at UR Vistahermosa we work on a concept of comprehensive patient care.

We are in a hospital environment that not only provides security, confidence and peace of mind within the framework of 24-hour personalised care, but also has a continuous investment and large-scale healthcare innovation, based on various medical technologies, healthcare architecture and engineering and organisational, information and communication systems applied to excellence in patient care.

Glossary of terms
