Gaia - UR International



We’re proud to partner with Gaia.


They’ve been where you are

Gaia founder Nader AlSalim created Gaia to make IVF more accessible for more people. After a frustrating and expensive experience with IVF, he wanted to help others build families without financial unknowns.


They’ve been where you are

Gaia believes everyone should own their fertility journey. Whoever you are, whatever your circumstances, wherever things might end up – Gaia gives you access to the care you need to make your family.

Founded by an IVF patient, Gaia is with you whatever you face during your fertility journey. Through their personalised IVF insurance and financing plans, Gaia Members can start the treatment they need for less. If you don’t have a child, Gaia covers the treatment costs. If you do have a child, Gaia allows you to repay over a period of 8 years.

Additionally, the Gaia Membership comes with access to complimentary counselling, support groups and virtual and in-person events to support you throughout your entire fertility journey.

3 steps to become a Gaia Member:


Tell us about you, what treatment you’re interested in, and we’ll create a personalised Gaia Plan at any clinic of your choice.


We would never give you a Plan that isn’t right for you. We run credit & affordability checks to make sure your Plan is fair and affordable.


Before starting treatment we will walk you through the process on a call, and check the treatment quote from your clinic.

IVF insurance, financing, and support – that’s just the beginning. Gaia exists to help you access fertility treatment in a more affordable way and with far greater peace of mind.

If you’re considering IVF, egg freezing, or other family building options.

Talk to us at